Erik Ahlström, Italy for Climate and Legambiente are the three Winners of the AICA 2020 Award, with a special mention to Domenico Errani.
Erik Ahlström, Italy for Climate and Legambiente are the Winners of the AICA 2020 Award. The ceremony was livestreamed for the first time, due to the pandemic restrictions. In addition, Domenico Errani received a Special Mention for his large support from the popular poll.
Emanuela Rosio, as AICA’s President, welcomed all the participants and explained the mission of the Association. AICA (International Association for Environmental Communication) was born in 2003, in Alba (Piedmont): a cultural project which aims to know, to study, and to promote environmental communication actions on national and international level. The Award recognises the contribution to the creation of an environmental collective awareness and culture. The three categories are:
- “Communicating with citizens improves the environment”, with the 2020 focus on anti-littering campaigns;
- “Communicating Climate Change”, inspired by the Paris Agreement and the mission of the European Union with the Green New Deal;
- “Beppe Comin career award”, which honours life-long commitments to the protection of the environment.
The finalists of 2020 edition have been introduced by the Italian television presenter Beppe Rovera, with the participation of the AICA’s secretary. For the first category, “Communicating littering”, there were Domenico Errani, Italian farmer who launched the campaign “For a fistful of stubs” (encouraging the collecting of stubs in exchange of organic fruits and vegetables), Hubbub, brilliant English communicators against waste abandon, viral on social media – represented by Jack Hodgkiss – and Erik Ahlström, an eco-athlete who invented the term “plogging” which means running by picking up abandoned waste. Erik is also the founder of Plogga, an association that spreads this message all around the world. His initiative won in favour of the popular poll and the AICA scientific committee preferences. Besides, Errani received a Special Mention for his large support from the social community.
The second category, “Communicating Climate Change” was won by Italy for Climate, an initiative created by the Sustainable Development Foundation and presented by Chiara Montanini. Their aim is to support private and public sectors in the reduction of CO2 emissions in Italy. This action was in competition with Connect4Climate, a global partnership launched by the World Bank in order to promote innovative solutions and to support a new generation of leaders. The third finalist was The Guardian, the famous English newspaper that in the last years has been strongly committed to efficient environmental communicative style.
In conclusion, the final category was dedicated to the “Beppe Comin career award”. The first finalist, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, has been nominated for the long-lasting involvement in improving circular economy system, engaging a wide range of actors, whilst Banksy was presented even if his appearance was not possible: famous and unknown artist, whose powerful messages are often dedicated to environmental issues, highlighting the contradictions of our society in his/her/their street art. Nonetheless, the price was won by the third finalist: Legambiente. Hosted by the President Stefano Ciafani, who spoke about the 40 years of experience and commitment of the association. Legambiente proposes a scientific activism in order to fight pollution, illegality, and injustice, preserving the environment.

The prices of AICA Award are plant trees (donated by Vivalb), which will find place in AICA’s lands in Alba. AICA’s coordinators are going to take care of Winner’s plants and will provide pictures and updates about their growth. Everyone is invited to come and visit the adopted tree, taking the chance to discover the astonishing Langhe landscapes, UNESCO World Heritage.