TIME and Statista name the best sustainable companies of 2024

In a rapidly evolving scenario, we are seeing a growing commitment from businesses to align with sustainability standards.

However, it is still challenging to distinguish and define companies that are truly committed to ESG standards from those where sustainability claims are merely greenwashing practices.

Therefore, it is crucial to establish standards and certifications and effectively measure companies’ efficiency in meeting sustainability criteria. This could help to ensure sustainable communication based on scientific evidence. Without these solid foundations, there may be a risk of falling into ambiguous and false claims.

This is why the work done by TIME in collaboration with the data firm Statista is of great importance in fostering consumer awareness. They have created a rigorous methodology to measure the world’s most sustainable companies by evaluating their efforts to comply with the 1.5°C temperature increase target.

Furthermore, they address other issues such as Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions and energy consumption. These relate to the emissions directly caused by companies’ production processes and those resulting from the power companies’ purchase, respectively.

The top companies on the list for 2024 include those providing services and those manufacturing a variety of products. A special mention goes to Schneider Electric, which ranks first on the list.

Their commitment to sustainability is immediately evident from their website and social media, where they provide comprehensive and transparent communication on ESG issues.

The role of sustainability communication, therefore, is to act as a bridge not only between companies and customers but also in a relationship that includes certifying bodies and authorities.

This provides a foundation and a compass for navigating the data, ensuring that sustainability claims are reliable and scientifically based. It also democratises sustainability, making it easy to read and understand for the various stakeholders involved.

This is the path for a better future: the involvement of every actor in the creation of sustainability practices of production and consumption.

The list of the most sustainable companies is available on the TIME website.

Cover image by Corriere.it