Food led us here. This is how the official The Food Odyssey website begins its tale of a groundbreaking project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme.
The Food Odyssey is created by a consortium of partners, including NGOs, Foundations, private sector organisations, and VET schools from four different countries – Slovenia, Italy, Serbia, and Spain.

The aim is to educate students about the vital connection between food system and climate change, by using gamification and innovative teaching techniques.
«Much like in the literary Odyssey, we know that many challenges are ahead of us, but we are confident that our ingenuity, skills, and collaboration will help us to achieve our goals».
The project includes the co-creation of an online escape room: producers, consumers, and advocacy entities can take part to the designing process by joining three Zoom meetings and an in-person forum, which will be held on October 17th in Turin, Italy.
Making learning fun and impactful, that is the goal! The communication strategy is engaging: updated and creative digital channels combined with a clear and catchy storytelling.
By framing their narrative around the theme of a journey – much like the literary “Odyssey” – the project taps into a familiar and compelling storyline of adventure, challenge, and discovery.
The Food Odyssey’s team is working on presenting the results of this project, which will end next year – in the meantime, they decided to create a hidden page in the website, where users can find some great stories shared by the people involved in the initiative.
The stories are about food expressions and personal experiences for mutual-learning.
How to get the access? It is necessary to answer a riddle and add it to the domain of the website: www.the-food-odyssey-eu/yourbestguess will be...?

The use of visual content such as photo riddles, infographics, and possibly videos is an important aspect of their communication strategy. Finally, the Food Odyssey makes clear its target audience, by conveying complex ideas with visuals and powerful digital tools to attract attention and enhance the project journey.
The Food Odyssey is led by Institute for Health and Environment (Slovenia), with the technical partners Area Europa, Escape4Change (Italy) and the Global Footprint Network. The initiative is joined by VET School partners: MCC – Mediterraneo Culinary Center (Spain), Biotechnical Educational Center Ljublijana (Slovenia), Agricultural and Chemical School Dr Đorđe Radić (Serbia), and Istituto Tecnico “Garibaldi/Da Vinci” Cesena (Italy). Cover credits: "Odysseus’ Ten-year Journey Home Simeon Netchev (CC BY-NC-SA)"